mountain 3d model

Here are the objects tagged with: mountain 3d model

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Mountain with a peak and a large ice cap in the middle.

Heightfield size: 2048px by 2048px
Masking maps: snow (at the top), rough (rocks) and flows

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Frontal mountain range with streams flowing from the tops.

Heightfield size: 2048px by 2048px
Masking maps: water (streams), erosion (flows) and rough (rocks)

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Alpine terrain

Alpine terrain

High mountains with streams flowing from the tops.

Heightfield size: 2048px by 2048px
Masking maps: water (streams) and rough (rocks)

Download .tiff Download .vob (for Vue)

Jagged hills

Jagged hills

A wide valley in front of jagged low hills.

Heightfield size: 2048px by 2048px
Masking maps: flows (erosion) and rough (rocks)
Download .tiff Download .vob (for Vue)

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This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.